Tuesday Jun 20, 2023
7:30 AM - 9:00 AM CDT
Christian Community Homes and Services, Inc.
Marie Blakeman Room
1320 Wisconsin St.
Hudson, WI
Members: $10
Non-Members: $15
*Sorry, we are unable to issue refunds
Please RSVP by Friday, June 16, 2023.
Local Government Leaders: Opportunities and Issues
Join us for a Good Morning Hudson event at Christian Community Homes and Services, Inc. in the Marie Blakeman room. Come and network with other Chamber members as well as hear from local leaders on the opportunities and issues facing their respective communities. Bonus features include:
Printed courtesy of www.hudsonwi.org/ – Contact the Hudson Area Chamber of Commerce & Tourism Bureau for more information.
219 2nd Street, Hudson, WI 54016 – (715) 386-8411 – info@hudsonwi.org