Events Calendar Category... Arts & CultureBoating & SailingChamber - Annual MeetingChamber - Business After HoursChamber - NetworkingChamber - Seminar/WorkshopChamber Of CommerceClubs/OrganizationsCommunityContinuing EducationEntertainmentFamily AttractionsFestivals & CelebrationsFood & Drink EntertainmentFundraiserGovernmentHolidayNon-ProfitOtherOutdoor Activities Recreation ActivitiesRibbon CuttingSeminar/WorkshopSporting EventTheatre EventTourismWineries/ Breweries/ Distilleries December January February March April May June July August September October November Search Results Found: 49 Button group with nested dropdown April 2025 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 30 31 1 Merch Pours at Hop & Barrel Brewing Company, LLC $10 Current Burger with fries every Tuesday night! Come on down and get one! 2 It's Date Night! Need something fun to break up the week? Bring someone to Swirl tonight! Game Night at Hop & Barrel 3 Walk-In Nail Trims Thursday at CURRENT is our Ribeye Special For only $28! Hop & Barrel Trivia by Trivia Mafia 4 Live Music at Hop & Barrel What's better than a wine tasting? A free wine tasting! Every Friday from 6 to 8 pm 5 6 7 Red River Fencing 8 Merch Pours at Hop & Barrel Brewing Company, LLC $10 Current Burger with fries every Tuesday night! Come on down and get one! 9 It's Date Night! Need something fun to break up the week? Bring someone to Swirl tonight! Game Night at Hop & Barrel 10 Walk-In Nail Trims Thursday at CURRENT is our Ribeye Special For only $28! Hop & Barrel Trivia by Trivia Mafia 11 Live Music at Hop & Barrel What's better than a wine tasting? A free wine tasting! Every Friday from 6 to 8 pm 12 13 14 D & D Night Red River Fencing 15 Merch Pours at Hop & Barrel Brewing Company, LLC Scams and Banking Safety $10 Current Burger with fries every Tuesday night! Come on down and get one! 16 Welcome to the Hudson Chamber Membership Orientation It's Date Night! Need something fun to break up the week? Bring someone to Swirl tonight! Game Night at Hop & Barrel 17 Walk-In Nail Trims Thursday at CURRENT is our Ribeye Special For only $28! Hop & Barrel Trivia by Trivia Mafia 18 Live Music at Hop & Barrel What's better than a wine tasting? A free wine tasting! Every Friday from 6 to 8 pm 19 20 21 Red River Fencing 22 Merch Pours at Hop & Barrel Brewing Company, LLC $10 Current Burger with fries every Tuesday night! Come on down and get one! 23 It's Date Night! Need something fun to break up the week? Bring someone to Swirl tonight! Game Night at Hop & Barrel 24 Walk-In Nail Trims Thursday at CURRENT is our Ribeye Special For only $28! Hop & Barrel Trivia by Trivia Mafia Swirl Wine Bar Trivia Night 25 Live Music at Hop & Barrel What's better than a wine tasting? A free wine tasting! Every Friday from 6 to 8 pm 26 27 28 D & D Night Red River Fencing 29 Merch Pours at Hop & Barrel Brewing Company, LLC $10 Current Burger with fries every Tuesday night! Come on down and get one! 30 It's Date Night! Need something fun to break up the week? Bring someone to Swirl tonight! Game Night at Hop & Barrel 1 2 3