2024 Street Reconstruction Open House
Date and Time
Tuesday Feb 27, 2024
5:00 PM - 6:00 PM CST
City of Hudson Fire Hall
2121 Ward Ave

The City of Hudson will be hosting an open house for the 2024 Street Reconstruction Project.
The city will have layouts of each reconstruction area and information regarding detours available for viewing. City and consultant staff will be available to answer questions and take comments during the open house.
No presentation will be made so come any time between 5:00pm-6:00pm.
Project Overview:
Vine Street
The City will be rehabilitating the existing pavement and making pedestrian improvements on Vine Street from Wisconsin Street to 600-feet east of Diamond Drive. The improvements will include full-depth reclamation, bituminous paving, and replacement of concrete curb & gutter. Pedestrian improvements will include trail widening, adding boulevard area, ADA curb ramp upgrades and adding pedestrian refuge islands at the Diamond Drive and Spruce Drive intersections.
Construction is anticipated outside the school season.
Green Street
Green Street will be reconstructed from 11th Street to the cul-de-sac and will include bituminous paving, full curb and gutter replacement and storm sewer improvements. Hudson Utilities will be doing a separate sanitary sewer improvement project, including spot repairs and grouting.