Chamber Golf Tournament 2021
Date and Time
Monday Jun 28, 2021
11:00 AM - 6:00 PM CDT
Member: $155
(includes: Lunch, Green Fee, Cart, Snacks, Prizes)
Non-Member: $175
(includes: Lunch, Green Fee, Cart, Snacks, Prizes)
SPONSORSHIPS AVAILABLE! You won't want to miss a great advertising and networking opportunity with your fellow Chamber members!
Gold - $2,000
Silver - $1,000
Hole - $425
Contact Information
(715) 386-8411
Send Email

Par - ticipate in the fun on June 28th! There will be food, drinks, contests, raffles and more!
Purchase Raffle Tickets ($20 for 17 tickets): Tickets will be available at the event and used to enter to win prizes during the day of the event.
Pre-Purchase Mulligans ($5): Pre-purchase mulligans this year, you will receive the ticket the day of the event. Limit 1 per golfer.
Pre-Purchase Putting Contest Tickets ($5 each or 3 for $10): Pre-register to be in the Putting contest!
Pre-Purchase Beat the Pro ticket ($5): Out drive the pro, be entered to win a prize and get the chance to be the Pro next year!
Pre-Purchase your Lucky Team Ball for the day ($20): One team member needs to hit the “lucky” golf ball on every shot. The same golfer or any rotation may take a swing. If your team brings the ball back at the end of your round your team will be entered to win prizes!
Pre-Register for Lunch ($18): Even if you are not golfing you are more than welcome to have a grab and go lunch.
Thank you to our Platinum Sponsors:
SPONSOR The Chamber Golf Tournament or Donate a RAFFLE PRIZE! Contact the Chamber for more information 715.386.8411 or
Gold - $2,000
Silver - $1,000
Hole - $425