Hudson Women's Club Summer Solstice Soiree
Date and Time
Wednesday Jun 21, 2023
5:00 PM - 8:00 PM CDT
Troy Burne Golf Course, LLC.
295 Lindsay Road
Hudson, WI 54016
Make checks payable to Hudson Women's Club
Contact Information
Hudson Women's Club
Send Email

Join us for an evening of fun! Silent action & fashion show.
Plated dinner: champagne chicken with sides & dessert.
- Vegetarian butternut squash ravioli available
To register, mail your name, phone, and email address to Hudson Women's Club along with a $45 check made payable to Hudson Women's Club.
Mail your application and payment here:
Carol Dahle, HWC Treasurer
713 Riverside Drive N
Hudson, WI 54016
Questions? Call Carole Dahle at 715-386-9003 or email