Small Business Crawl - 4/18/24

Date and Time
Thursday Apr 18, 2024
11:00 AM - 7:00 PM CDT
After-party at Black Rooster Bistro at 7:00 p.m.
Hudson Area
Passports: $5
Swag bag (includes a passport): $20

Take a day to explore local activities, offers, and specials while supporting Hudson businesses!
Pick up a passport for the Small Business Crawl to take advantage of all the offers (and fun) happening Thursday, April 18, from 11:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Eat, shop, and explore local!
Passports will be sold for $5 and will list all the participating businesses and what they are offering. Not only will the passport allow you to take advantage of those offers, but if you turn your passport in at the Black Rooster Bistro after-party, you will be entered into a drawing for a chance to win one of five Grand Prizes!
Swag Bags will also be sold for $20 each and will include a passport in them. Some participating businesses have donated special items for these swag bags, but there is limited availability (only 50 bags!), so if you would like your Small Business Crawl Swag Bag, be sure to grab it quick!
By participating in this event, you will become a tourist in your own town and make connections with the local businesses that help make our town so special!
To wrap up the day, Black Rooster Bistro will host an after-party beginning at 7:00 p.m., where grand prize winners will be drawn! The after-party will be full of fun and live music, with tasty refreshments available for purchase. Join us at 516 2nd St. for the party.
A portion of the proceeds made will be donated to the Hudson Home and Garden Club
We hope you join us for this fun event!
To purchase passports and swag bags, stop by Angel's Pet World, et cetera, Grand Fête. Rose & Lavender, and The Bees Knees.
Participating Businesses:
- 4 North Beauty Collective
- Awakened Soul - Gifts and Guidance for the Heart
- BackRoom Vintage
- Barker's Bar & Grill
- Beloved Makers and Company
- Bennett's Chop & Railhouse
- Black Rooster Bistro
- Blooms for Happiness
- Bricks Neapolitan Pizza
- Chapter2Books
- Cream of the Crop Artists Gallery
- Droplets of Wellness
- et cetera
- Grand Fête
- Hudson Flower Shop
- Knoke's Chocolates & Nuts
- La Rue Marché
- Pedro's Pizza Lounge
- Post - American Eatery
- Rose & Lavender
- St. Croix Baking Company
- San Pedro Café
- Striker Brands, LLC
- Ted Blank Luxury Travel & Adventure
- The 715
- The Bees Knees
- The Jewelers Bench
- The Purple Tree
- Urban Olive & Vine
- Vintage Vouge Cottage