Spring Showcase Business Expo 2016
Event Sponsors
Silver Sponsor
Date and Time
Sunday Apr 24, 2016
11:00 AM - 4:00 PM CDT
Sunday, April 24, 2015
11:00 am – 4:00 pm
FREE admission.
Vendor fee for booths. Contact for details.
Contact Information
(715) 386-8411
Send Email

Please join us as we Discover the Best of the Hudson Area!
The Hudson Area Chamber of Commerce & Tourism Bureau is hosting the annual Spring Showcase, "Discover the Best of the Hudson Area." This event is free and open to the public. Children's activities, family entertainment and a day full of activities geared to showcase products and services available in the Hudson Area. These products range from new vehicles and home furnishings to health-related products and lawn maintenance services.
Raffle tickets are being sold for this year's event. Raffle items include:
- iPad Air 16GB
- Movie Night Package (Ice Cream, pizza, and movies for a year provided by County Market & Hudson 12 Theatre).
- Paddle Board Package (2 season passes for unlimited paddle board rental from The Black Oar in Hudson, WI)
- Gas Grill & Meat Package (provided by Walmart and RJ's Meats and Groceries)
- Rain Garden Package (Rain Barrel, rain garden design consultation and perennials provided by Sustain Hudson, My Sister's Garden, and Willow River Company)
Entertainment Schedule:
12:00pm . . . . ShamROCKS
12:30pm . . . . Phipps Dance Companies
1:00pm . . . . . Hudson High Harmony
1:30pm . . . . . Hudson High Swing Choir
2:00pm . . . . . Mascot Dance-Off
2:30pm . . . . . Carpenter Nature Center
3:30pm . . . . . Hudson Police K9 Demonstration
4:00pm . . . . . Raffle Drawing (need not be present)
All Day Activities include: Decorate a Cookie, Live Animals, Paint a Piggy Bank, & Roaming Clowns.