Ultimissimutt Charity Dog Wash - 2023
Date and Time
Sunday Jun 25, 2023
11:00 AM - 4:00 PM CDT
11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Sunday, June 25, 2023
Ultimissimo - Boutique Salon
112 Walnut St.
Hudson, WI 54016

We are excited to announce our annual charity dog wash as our 22nd and final Ultimissi-mutt dog wash. It will be held as usual in the alley adjacent to Ultimissimo's building in downtown Hudson. 100% of the proceeds go to benefit Lucky Paws Midwest and the Hudson Police Department - Canine Unit.
Can't make it? - You can still contribute! Make a financial donation through any of these easy options:
- Visit our website at www.ultimissimo.com
- Call Ultimissimo at (715) 386-4122
- Through Venmo @ultimissimosalon
100% of the proceeds will be distributed to our benefactors.
A requested $30/dog donation, includes professional nail trimming by St. Croix Valley Vet and professional dog grooming, undercoat brushing and drying by Angel's Pet World groomers!
The reason for our 22nd and final Ultimissi-mutt dog wish is, after COVID, we did virtual fundraising for two years. When we came back last year and reappeared with the dog wash, people were so happy and welcoming for it coming back again. We then realized what a great community effort this is to have and continue... to aid needy organizations that help and serve our animals that need help, care, and forever homes!
So the question is, what if Ultimissimo goes away, what if Rebecca goes away, what if the alley no longer becomes available?? We need to keep this awesome event going! Bringing in a new name, and a more neutral location with a broader spectrum of volunteers. This seems to be our answer for our next year and the future dog washes, which will have a new name, HUDSON HOUND WASH! Moving forward with this new title next year, 2024! The place is yet to be determined, but the purpose will host the same great cause for benefactors! We invite any suggestions and input in re-creating this new profile! Contact Rebecca Erickson with Ultimissimo at info@ultimissimo.com.