Volunteer Open House
Date and Time
Sunday Apr 14, 2024
2:00 PM - 4:00 PM CDT
Octagon House Museum
1004 3rd St
Hudson, WI 54016

Join us for an informative Volunteer Open House on Sunday April 14, 2:00 - 4:00 p.m. at the Octagon House Museum, 1004 3rd Street, in Hudson, WI. The 2024 summer season is quickly approaching, and we are seeking friendly and skilled volunteers to join our team and help make history happen!
Octagon House Museum is looking for History Shoppe Volunteers, Volunteer History Interpreters, Volunteer Marketing Associates, and Maintenance Volunteers.
Positions available:
History Shoppe Volunteer
This is a comfortable position for many types. Duties include welcoming and assisting guests with shoppe purchases, explaining tour options, assisting with sales, and inventory, product tracking and stock replenishment, answering incoming calls, directing messages, general tidying, and care of vintage and historic merchandise. Knowledge of Clover Point of Sales, bookshop & gift store culture, and appreciation of local history are helpful but not required. Flexible hours and a warm and friendly team wait to meet you!
History Interpreter Volunteer
Our Interpretation & Exhibits Team needs you! If you’re the type that loves director’s commentary, always seeks additional facts, and enjoy chatting up history with just about anyone, please join us! We research historic topics, people, events, activities and customs, assist in development and implementation of museum displays, share historical interpretation with museum visitors and assist with daily operations within the museum complex. Your skills and personality are appreciated. Join us today!
Marketing Associate Volunteer
Make history happen and help keep up with the demands of a history-content hungry world! In this role you will help promote the museum and organization. Assist in developing marketing campaigns, enhance our social media presence, maintain our website, refresh and distribute marketing materials, and consider how to help others see the old, in a new way. Creative marketers consider yourself at home here!
Maintenance Volunteers
Be part of a fun and motivated team, meeting weekly to help with minor repairs and upkeep of the museum complex. Help with repair and improvement projects, hang signs, move furniture, tighten loose bits, loosen the tight ones, or wax stubborn drawers. If you like to tinker, we’d like you on our team!
Full volunteer position announcements are available here: www.HudsonOctagonHouse.org/opportunities
For more information or interest in applying, please contact us at info@HudsonOctagonHouse.org
715-386-2654, or visit our website www.HudsonOctagonHouse.org.