Operation HELP/Fresh Harvest Pantry

M - F 10 am to 1 pm/Th 4 to 6 pm. Closed holidays/Hudson School District snow days. Call to confirm.
Driving Directions:
Located at the intersection of Hanley Road and O'Keefe Road in Hudson, WI
About Us
The mission of Operation HELP is to help residents of St. Croix County and adjacent communities maintain stable living situations, food security, emotional well-being, and personal dignity when they experience temporary financial hardships.
The primary goals of Operation HELP services, articulated in the mission statement, are to help clients:
• Maintain stable housing situations
• Support health and physical well-being
• Experience emotional well-being and personal dignity when they face temporary financial hardships
Operation HELP accomplishes this through:
• Rent, utilities, car repair payment assistance
• Access to safe, nutritious food through the Fresh Harvest Pantry food shelf and school-based food programs including Backpacks through the Hudson School District
• Access to personal care and basic necessity items, connections to community resources, and emotional support through the Resource Center
• Special programs focused on basic and emotional needs of children including the annual Christmas program and diaper bank
- Emergency Financial Assistance—Help with rent, utility, and car repair expenses.
- Fresh Harvest Pantry—Daily walk-in service, curbside pick-up or delivery.
- Resource Center—Basic necessities include socks, underwear, toiletries, pet food, vouchers for gas, food, and clothing.
- Diaper Bank—Monthly supplies of diapers and wipes for families with young children.
- Temporary Emergency Shelter—Short-term emergency motel lodging for people without shelter facing health or safety risks.