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River Valley Charities

River Valley Charities

Non-Profit Organizations

About Us

Our mission is to generate hope for individuals & families by creating access to quality nutrition; providing relief, rehabilitation, and development opportunities; and strengthening community collaboration.

We believe providing fresh vegetables to families each week in the backpacks is incredibly important, which is why we are partnering with YMCA Camp St. Croix. The creation of a sustainable garden that will supply local programs with fresh vegetables year-round.

This initiative has been able to support the following groups:
The Hudson Backpack Program
River Falls Backpack Program
River Falls United Methodist Church
New Richmond Backpack Program
Somerset Backpack Program
Lakeland Food Harvest
Baldwin-Woodville Backpack Program

With the goal of providing important nutrients to our communities, the gardens include lettuce, radishes, spinach, carrots, kale, Swiss chard, turnips, green beans, cabbage, peppers, summer squash, cucumbers, onions, bok choi, tomatoes, and melons. We’re excited for another year of planting and harvesting reaping the benefits of the generous resources from our donors for the hungry in the St. Croix River Valley.

Backpack Programs
Several school backpack programs are feeding hungry children across the St. Croix River Valley. These programs send backpacks with nonperishable, child-friendly meals and food vouchers home with participants on weekends and throughout the summer. We assist these organizations with funding and fresh produce so they can continue to provide help to families in need.


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Rep/Contact Info

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Joette Barr
Board Member
Pete Greene
Brian Hughes
Board Member
Tim Jaynes
Board Member
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Andy Johnson
Executive Director
Ron Linneman
Board Member
Doug Rhode
Vice President
David Tyvoll
Dr. Greg Young
Board Member

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