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Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 10818

Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 10818

Non-Profit Organizations

About Us

The VFW is one of the largest and most active veterans organizations in the US. Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 10818 continues the tradition of being on the forefront of service to veterans & the community.


VFW members along with American Legion tell their stories during the Veterans Round Table
VFW Post members with Cub Scout Troop 148
VFW with the Student Council of St. Croix Central High School at their Veterans Day program
Commander Jasen Pomroy, Sr Vice Commander Ron Ramos, and WWII veteran Larry Philipson
VFW members at Mary's Middle School, New Richmond
The St. Croix Central Panthers Basketball had veterans and first responders out on February 6th for the 2nd Annual Hoops for Heroes. It was a great event and we're proud to be honored by such tremendous students, staff, and community members.
VFW members and Sr Vice Commander Ron Ramos with teachers of New Richmond High School during Veterans in the Classroom
Past Commander Dave Green and Sr Vice Commander Ron Ramos cooking turkey legs at Fun Fest 2017
VFW Color Guard at the 2017 New Richmond Middle School Veterans Day Program
VFW Color Guard demonstrating the folding of the flag

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